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Als Basis dieser Materialsammlung wurden eingangs folgende Quellen aus dem Internet genutzt:

Ältere, aber auch neuere Literatur zum Thema Plagiat findet sich im HistorioPlag Wiki.


Anderman, Eric M. & Murdock, Tamera B.: "Psychology of academic cheating", New York (Academic Press), 2007 - - 326 Seiten. LCSC Library - LB3609.P79 2007

Angélil-Carter, Shelley: "Stolen language?: plagarism in writing", Longman, 2000 - 147 Seiten

Anglia Ruskin University: Guide to the Harvard Style of Referencing

Anonymus: "Cheating in Schools: Are high-stakes tests to blame?", in CQ Researcher, September 22, 2000, V. 10 Issue 32, pp. 745-768

Anonymus: "Exclusive Poll: Cheaters Win", in U.S. News & World Report Editor's Advisory, November 13, 1999

Anonymus: "How to Proctor from a Distance", in The Chronicle of Higher Education, V. 46, No. 12, pp. A47

Anderson, Gregory L.: "Cyberplagiarism", in College & Research Libraries News, May 1999, V. 60 Issue 5, pp. 371-375

Anderson, Judy: "Plagiarism, Copyright Violation, and Other Thefts of Intellectual Property: An Annotated Bibliography with a Lengthy Introduction, 1998", McFarland, 1998 - 201 Seiten

Ashworth, Peter und Bannister, Philip: "Guilty in whose eyes?", in Studies in Higher Education, June 1997, V. 22, Issue 2, pp. 187-204

Barth, Robert; Böller, Nadja; Dahinden, Urs; Hierl, Sonja und Zimmermann, Hans-Dieter (Hrsg.): Wissensklau, Unvermögen oder Paradigmenwechsel? Plagiate als Herausforderung für Lehre, Forschung und Bibliothek, Beiträge der internationalen Tagung 'Die lernende Bibliothek 2009' / 'La biblioteca apprende 2009', Chur, 6.-9. September 2009; HTW Chur / Churer Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft, 2009 (hier als PDF-Datei)

Baruchson-Arbib, Shifra und Yaari, Eti: "Printed Versus Internet Plagiarism: A Study of Students' Perception", in International Journal of Information Ethics, Vol. 1 (06/2004)

Bezilla, Robert: "America's Youth in the 1990's". Princeton (George H. Gallup International Institute), 1993, pp. 72-73

Blum, S. D.: "My word!: Plagiarism and college culture" Ithaca, NY (Cornell University Press), 2009. LCSC Library - PN167.B48 2009

Bodi, Sonia: "Ethics and Information Technology: Some Principles To Guide Students", in Journal of Academic Librarianship, November 1998, V. 24, No. 6, pp. 459-463

Bowman, V. (Ed.): "The plagiarism plague: A resource guide and CD-ROM tutorial for educators and librarians". New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc. LCSC Library - PN167.B68 2004 Callahan, D. (2004).

Brandt, Scott: "Copyright's (Not So) Little Cousin, Plagiarism", in Computers in Libraries, May 2002, V . 22 Issue 5, pp. 39-42.

Braumoeller, Bear F. und Gains, Brain J.: "Actions do speak louder than words: deterring plagiarism with the use of plagiarism-detection software" in PS, Political Science and Politics, December 2001, V. 34, Issue 4, pp. 835-840.

Bruno, Debra: "When students cheat, don't blame the Internet", in Christian Science Monitor, May 17, 2001, V. 93, pp. 11

Brauch, Erich: "Übersetzung, Paraphrase und Plagiat", Niemeyer, 1978 - 177 Seiten

Büschi, Eva: "Umgang mit Plagiaten. Lernberatung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Sanktion und Unterstützung", in: Wehr, S.; Ertel, H. (Hrsg.): Lernprozesse fördern an der Hochschule. Beiträge aus der hochschuldidaktischen Praxis", Bern, 2008, S. 149-167.

Bugeja, Michael: "Bust a plagiarist in 30 minutes or less", in Quill, Apr 2000, V. 88, Issue 3, pp. 44

Bull, Joanna et al.: "Technical Review of Plagiarism Detection Software Report". Bedfordshire, U.K.: University of Luton Computer Assisted Assessment Centre, n.d.

Bunting, Chris und Hook, Steve: "An A for simply surfing the Net? Student run essay service in Great Britain", in The Times Educational Supplement, Febuary 25, 2000, No. 4365

Buranen, Lise und Roy, Alice M.: "Perspectives on plagiarism and intellectual property in a postmodern world", SUNY Press, 1999 - 302 Seiten

Bushweller, Kevin: "Digital deception", in The American School Board Journal, March 1999, V. 186, No. 3, pp. A18-A19, (Auch online unter: )

Callahan, D. "The cheating culture: why more Americans are doing wrong to get ahead", New York (Harcourt, Inc.), 2004. LCSC Library - HF5387.C334 2004

Callister, T.A. Jr & Burbules, N.C.: "Public spaces and cyberspace: issues of credibility in educational technologies", in Insights, V. 32, 1996, pp. 11-14

Carnevale, Dan: "Web services help professors detect plagiarism", in The Chronicle of Higher Education, November 12, 1999, V. 46, No. 12, pp. A49

Carroll, Jude: "A handbook for deterring plagiarism in higher education". Oxford (Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development), 2007. LCSC Library – PN167.C38 2007

Cassidy, Virginia R.: "Evidence-based teaching: Current research in nursing education". Sudbury, MA (Jones and Bartlett), 1999 - 247 Seiten. LCSC Library - RT73.E94 1999

Chidley, Joe: "Tales Out of School", in McLean's, November 24, 1997, V. 110, Issue 47, pp. 76-79

Cizek, Gregory J.: "Cheating on Tests: How to Do it, Detect It and Prevent It". Chapel Hills: University of North Carolina. 1999.

Clayton, Mark: "Term papers at the click of a mouse", in: Christian Science Monitor, October 27, 1997, V. 89, Issue 232, pp. 1

Colon, Aly: "Avoid the pitfalls of plagiarism", in The Writer, January 2001, V. 114, pp. 8

Colpaert, Jozef und Wilfried Decoo: "Crisis on Campus: Confronting Academic Misconduct", MIT Press, 2002 - 262 Seiten

Dalton, R.: "Professors use web to catch students who plagiarize", in Nature, November 18, 1999, V. 402, Issue 6759, pp. 222

Davis, S. F., Drinan, P. F. und Gallant, T. B.: "Cheating in school: What we know and what we can do", Chichester, West Sussex, UK (Wiley-Blackwell), 2009. LCSC Library – LB3609.D38 2009

Denning, Peter J.: "Plagiarism in the Web", in Communications of the ACM, December 1995, V. 38, Issue 12, pp. 29

Dervaric. Christian: Erkennung und Behandlung von Plagiaten bei Lösungen zu Übungsaufgaben

DeSena-Hennessey, Laura: "Preventing plagiarism: Tips and techniques". Urbana, IL (National Council of Teachers of English), 2007. LCSC Library – PN67.D47 2007

Eisner, Caroline und Vicinus, Martha (Hrsg.): "Originality imitation and plagiarism: Teaching writing in the digital age". Ann Arbor, MI (University of Michigan Press), 2008 - 269 Seiten. LCSC Library - PN167.O75 2008

Etzmüller Thomas: Merkblatt Plagiate Auflistung und Beispiele für alle Plagiatsformen

Eversmann, Andre und Reus, Ulrich sowie Nüßer, Willi: "Die Suche nach der verlorenen Quelle. Werkzeug zur Bekämpfung des Plagiatproblems im Internet", in Java Magazin Ausgabe: 9/2004

Fischer, Florian: "Das Literaturplagiat – Tatbestand und Rechtsfolgen", P. Lang, 1996 - 157 Seiten

Fischer, Prof. Dr. Stefan und Gutbrod, Martin: Analysewerkzeuge zur Plagiatserkennung

Foster, Andrea: "Plagiarism detection tool creates legal quandary", in Chronicle of Higher Education, May 17, 2002, V. 48, Issue 36, pp. A37-38

Francis, Barbara: Other people's words: what plagiarism is and how to avoid it, Enslow Publishers, 2005 - 112 Seiten

Freedman, Morris: "Don't blame the Internet for plagiarism", in Education Week, December 2, 1998, V. 18, No.14, pp. 36

Fox, T., Johns, Julia, und Keller, Sarah J.: "Cite it right: the SourceAid guide to citation, research, and avoiding plagiarism", 3rd ed. Osterville (MA: SourceAid, LLC), 2007. LCSC Library - PN171.F56.F69 2007

Fröhlich, G. "Wie rein ist die Wissenschaft? – Fälschung und Plagiat im rauen Wissenschaftsalltag", in: Etzlstorfer, H.; Katzinger, W.; Winkler, W. (Hrsg.), "echt_falsch. Will die Welt betrogen sein?" Wien, 2003, S. 72-93.

Gaines, Anne: "Don’t steal copyrighted stuff!: Avoiding plagiarism and illegal Internet downloading", Berkeley Heights (NJ: Enslow Publishers), 2008. LCSC Library – PN167.G35 2008

Garfield, Jeffery S.: "A Correlative Study of Cheating in College Students", in The Journal of Educational Research, December 1967, V. 61, Issue 4, n.p.

Gibaldi, J.: "MLA handbook for writers of research papers, New York (Modern Language Association of America), 2003. LCSC Library - Ref LB2369.G53 2003

Gillmann, Florian: Intrinsische Plagiaterkennung und Autorenverifikation

Gilmore, Barry: "Plagiarism: Why it happens and how to prevent it". Portsmouth, NH (Heinemann), 2008. LCSC Library - PN167.G47 2008

Gilmore, Barry: "Plagiarism: a how-not-to guide for students", Heinemann, 2009

Groark, Marie et al.: "Term Paper Mills, Anti-Plagiarism Toos, and Academic Integrity" in Educause Review, September/October 2001, V. 36, Issue 5, pp. 40-48

Greatorex, Maggie: "From research revolution to web of deceit", in The Times Higher Education Supplement, March 31, 2000, No. 1429, pp. II

Guernsey, Lisa: "Web site will check papers against data base to detect plagiarism", in The Chronicle of Higher Education, December 11, 1998, V. 45, No. 16, pp. A38

Haas, Molly Flaherty: "The Undergraduate Research Paper: Teaching Ethical Relationships." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (46th, Washington, DC, March 23-25, 1995). ERIC Document ED387810

Hafner, Katie: "Lessons in Internet Plagiarism", in The New York Times, June 28, 2001.

Hansen, Suzy: "Dear Plagiarists: You Get What You Pay For", in New York Times, 22. August 2004

Harris, Ian: "The national grid for cheating", in The Times Educational Supplement, January 8, 1999, No. 4306, pp.62-63

Harris, Robert: "Anti-Plagiarism Strategies for Research Papers", Vanguard University of Southern California, September 1, 2000.

Harris, Robert: "The Plagiarism Handbook: strategies for preventing, detecting, and dealing with plagiarism". Los Angeles: Pyrczak Publishing, 2001

Harris, Robert: "Using Sources Effectively: Strengthening Your Writing and Avoiding Plagiarism". Los Angelse: Pyrczak Publishing, 2002

Harvard College: &tabgroupid=icb.tabgroup106849 Harvard Guide to Using Sources

Hickman, John N.: "Cybercheats", in New Republic, March 23, 1998, V. 218, Issue 12, pp. 14

Himmelrath, Armin und Finetti, Marco: "Der Sündenfall: Betrug und Fälschung in der deutschen Wissenschaft", Raabe, 1999 - 261 Seiten

Hirschmann, Claudine und Wanner, Inge: "Wissenschaftliches Schreiben und Publizieren - Erläuterung für Studierende und Doktoranden", CHIRLEK Gesellschaft für Bildung und Medien (Hrsg.), Norderstedt (BoD – Books on Demand), 2011

Imperato, Justin: "Trust flourishes when students enforce their own honor code", in Christian Science Monitor, November 7, 2000, V. 92, Issue 242, pp. 15

Isakson, Carol: "Caught on the Web", in Education Digest, March 2000, V. 65, Issue 7, pp. 79

Jele, Harald: "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Zitieren", Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2006 - 145 Seiten

Jewell, Thomas: "Prentice Hall's guide to understanding plagiarism", Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2004 - 28 Seiten

Kellogg, Alex P.: "Students plagiarize online less than many think, a new study finds", in Chronicle of Higher Education, February 15, 2002, V. 48 Issue 23, p. A44

Kennedy, Kristen et al.: "Academic dishonesty and distance learning: student and faculty views", in College Student Journal, June 2000, V. 34, Issue 2, pp. 309-315

Klausman, Jeffrey W.: "Teaching about plagiarism in the age of the Internet", in Teaching English in the Two-Year College, December 1999, V. 27, No. 2, pp. 209-212

Knoop, Sarah: "Plagiat per Mausklick – Das Plagiieren von Internettexten in wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten" - Eine explorative Befragung von Studierenden und Dozenten an der WWU Münster (Magisterarbeit), GRIN Verlag, 2011 - 152 Seiten

Kock, Ned: "A case of academic plagiarism", in Communications of the ACM, July 1999, V. 42 Issue 7, pp. 96-105

Kopytoff, Verne G.: "Brilliant or Plagiarized? Colleges Use Sites to Expose Cheaters", in New York Times, January 20, 2000, V. 149, Issue 51273, pp. G7

Krüger, Alexandra: "Plagiate- Ein ständiges Problem an Universitäten" (Studienarbeit), GRIN Verlag, 2009 - 28 Seiten

Kulig, Marion: Intrinsische Plagiaterkennung am Beispiel einer Artikelsammlung

LaFollette, Marcel C.: "Stealing Into Print: Fraud, Plagiarism, and Misconduct in Scientific Publishing", University of California Press, 1996 - 293 Seiten

LaFollette, Marcel C.: "Perspectives on plagiarism and intellectual property in a postmodern world", in Academe, November/December 1999, Issue 6, pp. 73-75

Lampert, Lynn D.: "Combating student plagiarism: an academic librarian's guide", Chandos, 2008 - 183 Seiten

Lasarenko, Jane: "Teaching Paraphrase, Summary, and Plagiarism: An Integrated Approach", in Exercise Exchange: a Journal for Teachers of English in High Schools and Colleges, Spring 1996, V. 41, Issue 2, pp. 10-12

Lathrop, Ann und Foss, Kathleen: "Student Cheating and Plagiarism in the Internet Era: A Wake-Up Call". Englewood, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, 2000

Lathrop, Ann und Foss, Kathleen: "Guiding students from cheating and plagiarism to honesty and integrity: strategies for change", Libraries Unlimited, 2005 - 264 Seiten

Lincoln, Margaret: "Internet plagiarism", in Multimedia Schools, January/February 2002, V. 9, Issue 1, pp. 46-49

Lipson, Charles: "Doing honest work in college: How to prepare citations, avoid plagiarism, and achieve real academic success", Chicago (University of Chicago Press), 2004, 258 Seiten. LCSC Library - PN171.F56 L56 2004

Loose, Fabian; Becker, Steffen; Potthast, Martin und Stein, Benno: Retrieval-Technologien für die Plagiaterkennung in Programmen

Love, Patrick G. und Simmons, Janice: "Factors Influencing Cheating and Plagiarism among Graduate Students in a College of Education", in College Student Journal, 1998, V. 32, Issue 4, pp. 539-50

Maley, Saundra: "The Art of the Footnote: The Intelligent Student's Guide to the Art and Science of Annotating Texts", University Press of America, 1996 - 151 Seiten

Magid, Larry: "Are Your Kids Stealing From the Web?", in FamilyPC, June 2000, V. 7, Issue 6, pp.88

Mallon, Thomas: "Stolen Words - forays into the origins and ravages of plagiarism", Penguin Books, 1991

Manzo, Kathleen: "Kennedy 'Literary' Web sites aimed at students irk, prod teachers", in Education Week, September 15, 1999, V. 19, No. 2, pp. 7

Marsh, Bill: "Plagiarism: alchemy and remedy in higher education", SUNY Press, 2007 - 176 Seiten

Marshall, Eliot: "Medline searches turn up cases of suspected plagiarism", in Science,, January 23, 1998, V. 279, Issue 5350, pp.473-474

McCabe, Donald: "Fighting Online Plagiarism", in Chronicle of Higher Education, July 27, 2001, V. 47, Issue 406, pp. B17

McCabe, Donald: "Academic Dishonesty Among High School Students", in Adolescence, Winter 1999, V. 34, Issue 136, pp. 681-688

McCabe, Donald und Klebe Trevino, Linda: "Honesty and Honor Codes", in Academe, January/February 2002, V. 88, Issue 1, pp. 37-42

McCabe, Donald L. et al., "Academic integrity in honor code and non-honor code environments", in Journal of Higher Education, March/April 1999, V. 70, Issue 2, pp. 211-235

McCollum, Kelly: "Web site where students share term papers has professors worried about plagiarism", in The Chronicle of Higher Education, August 2, 1996, V. 42, pp. A28

McCollum, Kelly: "One way to get into college: buy an essay that worked for someone else: Ivy Essays", in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Feruary 28, 1997, V. 43, pp. A25-A26

McKenzie, Jamie: "The New Plagiarism: Seven Antidotes to Prevent Highway Robbery in an Electronic Age", in From Now On: The Educational Technology Journal, v. 7, May 1998, No. 8, accessed online:

McMurtry, Kim: "E-cheating: combating a 21st century challenge", in T H E Journal, November 2001, V. 29, Issue 4, pp. 36-41

Menager-Beeley, Rosemarie und Menager, Lyn Paulos: "Quick Coach Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism", Cengage Learning, 2009 - 55 Seiten

Menkel, Walter: "Sniffing out the cheaters", School Library Journal, June 2002, V. 48 Issue 6, p25.

Moore Howard, Rebecca: "Standing in the shadow of giants: plagiarists, authors, collaborators", Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999 - 195 Seiten

Moore Howard, Rebecca: "Sexuality, textuality: The cultural work of plagiarism", in College English, March 2000, V. 62, Issue 4, pp. 473-491

Moore Howard, Rebecca und Robillard, Amy E. (Hrsg.): "Pluralizing plagiarism: Identities, contexts, pedagogies". Portsmouth NH (Boynton/Cook Publishers), 2008. LCSC Library- PN167.P58 2008

Morawietz, Holger: "Plagiate aus dem Internet: Effektive Strategien zum Aufdecken und zur Prävention", in Realschule in Deutschland, 5 (2005)

Murphy, Christina und Stay, Byron L. (Hrsg.): "The writing center director’s resource book", Mahwah, NJ (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates), 2006. LCSC Library - PE1404.W69444 2006

Neville, Colin: "The complete guide to referencing and avoiding plagiarism", McGraw-Hill International, 2007 - 203 Seiten

Paganatz, Hilmar: "Plagiat: Gelegenheit mach Ideen-Diebe", in Hochschulanzeiger 75(2004)

Palloff, Rena M. und Pratt, Keith: "Assessing the online learner: Resources and strategies for faculty", San Francisco (Jossey-Bass), 2009. LCSC Library - LC5803.C65 P34 2009

Peterson Haviland, Carol und Mullin, Joan A.: "Who owns this text?: Plagiarism, authorship, and disciplinary cultures". Logan, UT (Utah State University Press), 2008 - 196 Seiten. LCSC Library - PN167.W46 2009

Posner, Richard A., "The Little Book of Plagiarism", Pantheon Books, 2007 - 116 Seiten

Rao, Nita: "Paper trail", in Village Voice, April 20, 1999, V. 44, No.15, pp. 35-36

Renard, Lisa "Cut and paste 101: plagiarism and the Net", in Educational Leadership, December 1999/January 2000, V. 57, No. 4, pp. 38-42

Richardson, Shannon: "Web engine could help honor code", in Daily Texan, January 18, 2002, Accessed online: Academic Universe

Rieble, Volker: "Das Wissenschaftsplagiat. Vom Versagen eines Systems", Verlag Vittorio Klostermann, 2010

Roach, Ronald: "High-tech cheating: fighting student use of online term paper mills", in Black Issues in Higher Education, December 24, 1998, V. 15, No. 22, pp. 26-27

Roach, Ronald: "Safeguarding against Online Cheating", in Black Issues in Higher Education, June 7, 2001, V. 18, No. 8, pp. 92

Roberts, Tim S. (Ed.): "Student Plagiarism in an Online World: Problems and Solutions", IGI Global snippet, 2008 - 294 Seiten

Ryan, Julie: "Student plagiarism in an online world", in ASEE Prism, December 1998, V. 8, No. 4, pp. 20-24.

Sabin, William A.: "The Gregg reference manual: A manual of style, grammar, usage, and formatting", New York (McGraw-Hill), 2005. LCSC Library - Ref PE1479.B87 S23 2005

Sattler, Sebastian: "Plagiate in Hausarbeiten: Erklärungsmodelle mit Hilfe der Rational Choice Theorie", Kovač, 2006 - 295 Seiten

Schaltenbrand, Stefan: "Alles gestohlen ?: vom Plagiat zur Wiederholung", Frieling, 1994 - 95 Seiten

Schätzlein Frank: Plagiate an der Schule/Universität

Schiefner, Mandy: Wissenschaftliche Redlichkeit im Zeichen der Zeit – Hochschuldidaktische Perspektiven im Umgang mit Plagiaten, in: B.Behrend, H.-P. Voss & J. Wildt. (Hrsg.), "Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre", S. 1-22, Berlin (Raabe Verlag), 2002. (Hier ein als PDF-Datei mit gekürztem Literaturverzeichnis)

Simeon, Thomas Prof. Dr. (HTW Berlin): über Plagiatsskandale, Handhabungen und Konsquenzen youtube video

Simkins, Michael B.: "Problems and solutions for the digital age", in Technology & Learning, May 1998, V. 18, No. 9, pp. 58

Sonneborn, Liz: "Frequently Asked Questions about Plagiarism", The Rosen Publishing Group, 2011 - 64 Seiten

Stebbins, Leslie Foster: "Student guide to research in the digital age: How to Locate and Evaluate Information Sources", Westport, CT (Libraries Unlimited), 2006 - 202 Seiten. LCSC Library - Ref ZA3075.S74 2006

Stebelman, Scott: "Cybercheating: dishonesty goes digital", in American Libraries, September 1998, V. 29, No. 8, pp. 48-50

Sterling, Gary: "Plagiarism and the Worms of Accountability", in The Education Digest, May 1992, V. 57, pp. 54-56

Stern, Linda: "What every student should know about avoiding plagiarism", Pearson/Longman, 2006 - 74 Seiten

Stevenson, Seth: "Adventures in Cheating: A guide to buying term papers online", in Slate Magazine, December 11, 2001

St. Onge, K. R.: "The melancholy anatomy of plagiarism", University Press of America, 1988 - 106 Seiten

Sutherland-Smith, Wendy: "Plagiarism, the Internet, and student learning: Improving academic integrity", New York (Routledge) LCSC Library - PN167.S88 2008

The Bedford/St. Martins Workshop on Plagarism: on Plagarism

Theisohn, Philip: "Plagiat - Eine unoriginelle Literaturgeschichte", Kröner, 2009 - 577 Seiten

Trotter, Andrew: "Gotcha! The Web ensnares plagiarists", in Teacher Magazine, February 2001, pp. 11

Twomey, Tish E., White, Holly & Sagendorf, K. (Hrsg.): "Pedagogy, not policing: Positive approaches to academic integrity at the university", Syracuse, NY (Graduate School Press, Syracuse University) 2009 - 160 Seiten. LCSC Library – LB3609.P36 2009

Utley, Alison: "Techno cheats bedevil sector", in The Times Higher Education Supplement, July 16, 1999, No. 1393, pp. 1

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Vernon, Robert F. und Bigna, Shirley sowie Smith, Marshall L.: "Plagiarism and the Web", Journal of Social Work Education, Winter 2001, V. 37, pp. 193-195

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Weber, Stefan: "Das Google-Copy-Paste-Syndrom: wie Netzplagiate Ausbildung und Wissen gefährden", Heise, 2009 - 173 Seiten

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Weber-Wulff, Debora & Wohnsdorf, G. Strategien zur Plagiatsbekämpfung kpl. Text. Seite der Universität Hohenheim

Weber-Wulff, Debora: Aufdeckung von Plagiaten: Suchen im Internet für Lehrkräfte

Weber-Wulff, Debora: Fremde Federn finden ein Kurs über Plagiate

Weber-Wulff, Debora: Schummeln mit dem Internet

Whitley, Bernard E. und Keith-Spiegel, Patricia: "Academic dishonesty: An Educator's guide", Mahwah, NJ (L. Erlbaum), 2002 - 169 Seiten. LCSC Library - LB3609.W45 2002

Wiener, Jon: "Historians in trouble: Plagiarism, fraud, and politics in the ivory tower", New York (New Press), 2005, 260 Seiten. LCSC Library – E175.45.W54 2005

Williams, Heidi (Hrsg.): "Plagiarism (Issues That Concern You)", Greenhaven Press, 2008

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