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Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite(n): 340, Zeilen: 101-111
Seite(n): 9, Zeilen: 9-20

[Fn 985] Siehe auch G. Burghardt, Die Europäische Verfassungsentwicklung aus dem Blickwinkel der USA, Vortrag an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin am 6. Juni 2002, sowie J. Ellis, Founding Brothers. The Revolutionary Generation, 2002, Ch. „Generations: ‚Sovereignty did not reside with the federal government or the individual states; it resided with The People. What that meant was anyone’s guess, since there was no such thing at this formative stage as an American ‚people‘; indeed, the primary purpose of the Constitution was to provide the framework to gather together the scattered strands of the population into a more coherent collective worthy of that designation.“ Dem großen „amerikanischen“ Europäer A. Einstein wird inflationär folgender Satz zugeschrieben: „America is not a state, it is a continent. The Americans are not a people but the result of permanent immigration which has not yet come to an end.“

Lassen Sie mich dazu noch einmal Joseph Ellis zitieren: "Sovereignty did not reside with the federal government or the individual states; it resided with The People. What that meant was anyone’s guess, since there was no such thing at this formative stage as an American ‚people‘; indeed, the primary purpose of the Constitution was to provide the framework to gather together the scattered strands of the population into a more coherent collective worthy of that designation.“ Oder der große Europäer Albert Einstein [...]: „America is not a state, it is a continent. The Americans are not a people but the result of permanent immigration which has not yet come to an end.“

Im Literaturverzeichnis referenziert
Übernommen aus
Burghardt 2002
Burghardt 2002
Anstatt hier erneut eine Seitenzahl "aus dem Blauen" zu nehmen, verzichtet KTzG auf die Angabe der Seitenzahl des Ellis-Zitats, das er aus der Burghardt-Rede abgeschrieben hat.

Fragmentsichter: Schuju (Sichtungsergebnis: Gut)