Untersuchte Arbeit: Seite(n): 340, Zeilen: 101-111 |
Original: Seite(n): 9, Zeilen: 9-20 |
[Fn 985] Siehe auch G. Burghardt, Die Europäische Verfassungsentwicklung aus dem Blickwinkel der USA, Vortrag an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin am 6. Juni 2002, sowie J. Ellis, Founding Brothers. The Revolutionary Generation, 2002, Ch. „Generations: ‚Sovereignty did not reside with the federal government or the individual states; it resided with The People. What that meant was anyone’s guess, since there was no such thing at this formative stage as an American ‚people‘; indeed, the primary purpose of the Constitution was to provide the framework to gather together the scattered strands of the population into a more coherent collective worthy of that designation.“ Dem großen „amerikanischen“ Europäer A. Einstein wird inflationär folgender Satz zugeschrieben: „America is not a state, it is a continent. The Americans are not a people but the result of permanent immigration which has not yet come to an end.“ |
Lassen Sie mich dazu noch einmal Joseph Ellis zitieren: "Sovereignty did not reside with the federal government or the individual states; it resided with The People. What that meant was anyone’s guess, since there was no such thing at this formative stage as an American ‚people‘; indeed, the primary purpose of the Constitution was to provide the framework to gather together the scattered strands of the population into a more coherent collective worthy of that designation.“ Oder der große Europäer Albert Einstein [...]: „America is not a state, it is a continent. The Americans are not a people but the result of permanent immigration which has not yet come to an end.“ |
Fragmentsichter: Schuju (Sichtungsergebnis: Gut) |