Untersuchte Arbeit: Seite(n): 289, Zeilen: 103-117 |
Original: Seite(n): 187, Zeilen: 01-02; 09-11; 101-106; 111-113; 116-121 |
[Fn. 838] Hierzu insbesondere A Bickel, The Least Dangerous Branch - The Supreme Court at the Bar of Politics, 1962. Es sind jedoch vermehrt Stimmen vernehmbar, die einer allzu erhöhten Stellung dieses Gedankens kritisch gegenüberstehen, vgl. nur B.A.Ackerman, The Storrs Lectures: Discovering the Constitution, in: 93 Yale L.J. (1984), S. l013 ff. S. 1016: „Hardly a year goes by without some learned professor announcing that he has discovered the final Solution to the countermajoritarian difficulty, or, even more darkly, that the countermajoritarian difficulty is insoluable." Siehe auch E. Chemerinsky, The Supreme Court 1988 Term - Foreword: The Vanishing Constitution, in: 103 Harvard L. Rev. (1989). S. 43 ff.; ders., The Price of Asking the Wrong Question: An Essay on Constitutional Scholarship and Judicial Review, in: 62 Texas L. Rev. (1984). S. 1207 ff.; B. Friedman. Dialogue and Judicial Review, in: 91 Michigan L. Rev. (1993), S. 577 ff.; M. V. Tushnet. Anti-Formalism in Recent Constitutional Theory, in: 83 Michigan L. Rev. (1985), S. 1502 ff.; mit dem Versuch einer Umkehrung der Problematik („the majoritarian difficulty") auch S. Croley, The Majoritarian Difficulty: Elective Judiciaries and the Rule of Law. in: 62 The University of Chicago L. Rev. (1995), S. 689 ff. |
[...] auch wenn sich in letzter Zeit die Stimmen mehren, die einer solchen "Obsession" kritisch gegenüberstehen.[66] [...] Letztes Beispiel ist Steven Croley, der in einem 1995 veröffentlichten Beitrag zwar die Problematik umzukehren sich bemüht ("The Majoritarian Difficulty")[68] [...] [Fn. 66] Bruce A. Ackerman, The Storrs Lectures: Discovering the Constitution, 93 Yale Law Journal 1013 (1984), S. l016.:„Hardly a year goes by without some learned professor announcing that he has discovered the final solution to the countermajoritarian difficulty, or, even more darkly, that the countermajoritarian difficulty is insoluable." Barry Friedman, Dialogue and Judicial Review, 91 Michigan Law Review 577 (1993), S. 578: "At least since Alexander Bickel's The Least Dangerous Branch [...]"; Mark V. Tushnet, Anti-Formalism in Recent Constitutional Theory, 83 Michigan Law Review 1502 (1985), S. 1502: [...] [Fn. 67] Vgl. v.a. Erwin Chemerinsky, The Supreme Court 1988 Term - Foreword: The Vanishing Constitution, 103 Harvard Law Review 43 (1989); auch ders., The Price of Asking the Wrong Question: An Essay on Constitutional Scholarship and Judicial Review, 62 Texas Law Review 1207 (1984). [Fn. 68] Steven P. Croley, The Majoritarian Difficulty: Elective Judiciaries and the Rule of Law, 62 The University of Chicago Law Review 689 (1995). |