Untersuchte Arbeit: Seite(n): 268, Zeilen: 106-109 |
Original: Seite(n): 14, Zeilen: |
Interessant ist diesbezüglich auch die Sichtweise aus dem amerikanischen Rechtskreis, vgl. nur P. Quint, The Constitutional Law of German Unification, in: 50 Md. L. Rev. (1991), S. 475 ff. und ders., The Imperfect Union: Constitutional Structures of German Unification, 1997. |
10. For a discussion of the constitutional implications and alternatives open, see Peter Quint, "The Constitutional Law of German Unification," 50 Md. L. Rev. 475 (1991), and his The Imperfect Union: Constitutional Structures of German Unification (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997). |