GuttenPlag Wiki
Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite(n): 247, Zeilen: 101-108
Seite(n): 55-56, Zeilen: [55]39[56]1-9,102

["it] would still be the wishes of the same people carried into effect. If the people should be dissatisfied, they can say so through another Congress. If they continue to be satisfied after the alteration is tried, it would be thus established as a precedent to be engrafted on the Constitution, as is the case in England." Weiter bekräftigte Fisher, "[t]he Constitution belongs to the people,-to the people of 1862, not to those of 1787," woraus er schließlich folgert: "[i]t must and will be modified to suit the wishes of the former, by their representatives in Congress, just as the English Constitution has been modified by Parliament", vgl. ebenda, S. 96f.

It would still be the wishes of the same people carried into effect. If the people should be dissatisfied, they can say so through another Congress. If they continue to be satisfied after the alteration is tried, it would be thus established as a precedent to be engrafted on the Constitution, as is the case in England.[83]

Fisher proclaimed that "[t]he Constitution belongs to the people,-to the people of 1862, not to those of 1787," and he concluded from this that, "[i]t must and will be modified to suit the wishes of the former, by their representatives in Congress, just as the English Constitution has been modified by Parliament.... "[84]

[84] Id. at 96–7.

Im Literaturverzeichnis referenziert
Übernommen aus
Vile 1991
Vile 1991